How to run starcoder locally. </p> <p dir="auto">To execute the fine-tuning script run the. How to run starcoder locally

<p dir="auto">To execute the fine-tuning script run theHow to run starcoder locally  StarCoder 15B sucks

. Ever since it has been released, it has. This means you can run really large models locally on your laptop. The example supports the following 💫 StarCoder models: bigcode/starcoder; bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder aka the smol StarCoderNot able to run hello world example, bigcode/starcoder is not a valid model identifier. Otherwise,. Follow LocalAI May 9, 2023: We've fine-tuned StarCoder to act as a helpful coding assistant 💬! Check out the chat/ directory for the training code and play with the model here. run_localGPT. Note: Coder runs as a non-root user, we use --group-add to ensure Coder has permissions to manage Docker via docker. Win2Learn part of the Tutorial Series shows us how to create our. You can find more information on the main website or follow Big Code on Twitter. import requests. Step 3: Running GPT4All. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I take ‘x’ of the closest vectors (which are just chunked from pdfs, about 350-400 words each) and run them back through the LLM with the original query to get an answer based on that data. 5B parameter models trained on 80+ programming languages from The Stack (v1. Other examples. org) provides online video tutorials, resources, and classes teacing coding to K-12 students. We adhere to the approach outlined in previous studies by generating 20 samples for each problem to estimate the pass@1 score and evaluate with the same. intellij. Step 3: Navigate to the Chat Folder. It allows you to run LLMs (and not only) locally or on-prem with consumer grade hardware, supporting multiple model families that are compatible with the ggml format, pytorch and more. Issue with running Starcoder Model on Mac M2 with Transformers library in CPU environment. Von Werra. In fact, all I did to test StarCoder was write the following comment in VSCode: # A function that removes all the vowels from a string that the user inputs. vsix file. . FROM . We are going to specify an API endpoint. The Transformers Agent provides a natural language API. listdir (folder): filename = os. 96+3. Turbopilot open source LLM code completion engine and Copilot alternative. Note: The reproduced result of StarCoder on MBPP. Win2Learn part of a tutorial series where I show you how to Log. gpt4all-backend: The GPT4All backend maintains and exposes a universal, performance optimized C API for running. It’s currently available. Starcoder itself isn't instruction tuned, and I have found to be very fiddly with prompts. 5B parameter models with 8K context length, infilling capabilities and fast large-batch inference enabled by. Local VSCode AI code assistance via starcoder + 4-bit quantization in ~11GB VRAM. Each method will do exactly the sameClick the Model tab. This means you can run really large models locally on your laptop. They claimed to outperform existing open Large Language Models on programming benchmarks and match or surpass closed models (like CoPilot). TL;DR: CodeT5+ is a new family of open code large language models (LLMs) with improved model architectures and training techniques. . SQLCoder is a 15B parameter model that outperforms gpt-3. You need to activate the extension using the command palette or, after activating it by chat with the Wizard Coder from right click, you will see a text saying "WizardCoder on/off" in the status bar at the bottom right of VSC. instructions that a are customized to my particular needs. This line assigns a URL to the API_URL variable. This is a C++ example running 💫 StarCoder inference using the ggml library. /gpt4all-lora-quantized-OSX-m1. LocalAI. run local AI code completion via StarCoder! I wrote instructions on how to deploy a code completion API. 5 with 7B is on par with >15B code-generation models (CodeGen1-16B, CodeGen2-16B, StarCoder-15B), less than half the size. To use the StarCoder Playground, write your incomplete code. The BigCode project was initiated as an open-scientific initiative with the goal of responsibly developing LLMs for code. StableCode: Built on BigCode and big ideas. SQLCoder is fine-tuned on a base StarCoder model. Make a fork, make your changes and then open a PR. You can run GPT-Neo-2. We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science. It allows you to run LLMs, generate images, audio (and not only) locally or on-prem with consumer grade hardware, supporting multiple model families that are. To view your local models, run bentoml models list. The StarCoder LLM can run on its own as a text to code generation tool and it can also be integrated via a plugin to be used with popular development tools including. Equipped with a 2048-context window, the permissively licensed DeciCoder delivers a 3. Nothing out of this worked. py --cpu --listen --model starcoder")Model Summary. View community ranking See how large this community is compared to the rest of Reddit. Closing this issue as we added a hardware requirements section here and we have a ggml implementation at starcoder. A server to read/write data from/to the stars, written in Go. You should go to hf. environ. torch. You can specify any of the following StarCoder models via openllm start:After it has been executed successfully, you would have to run the second command. When fine-tuned on an individual database schema, it matches or outperforms GPT-4 performance. Recently, Hugging Face and ServiceNow announced StarCoder, a new open source LLM for coding that matches the performance of GPT-4. We adhere to the approach outlined in previous studies by generating 20 samples for each problem to estimate the pass@1 score and evaluate with the same. 00 MiB (GPU 0; 22. And after a few seconds, the model auto-completed with the following code:Running Refact Self-Hosted in a Docker Container. 36), it needs to be expanded and fully loaded in your CPU RAM to be used. StarCoderBase: Trained on 80+ languages from The Stack. backend huggingface-vscode-endpoint-server. Join. 4096. Embeddings support. 1. Is there a way to install the vscode extension that is developping locally from an unpacked directory, not from a . A brand new open-source project called MLC LLM is lightweight enough to run locally on just about any device, even an iPhone or an old PC laptop with integrated graphics. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Feasibility without GPU on Macbook pro with 32GB: Is it feasible to run StarCoder on a macOS machine without a GPU and still achieve reasonable latency during inference? (I understand that "reasonable" can be subjective. py uses a local LLM to understand questions and create answers. 2) and a Wikipedia dataset. these assistants will run on the local machine,. For those interested in deploying and running the starchat-alpha model locally, we have prepared a Google Colab notebook. Hugging Face and ServiceNow released StarCoder, a free AI code-generating system alternative to GitHub’s Copilot (powered by OpenAI’s Codex), DeepMind’s AlphaCode, and Amazon’s CodeWhisperer. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This is fine, as the progress bar displays the number of steps — and in your code, there is a fixed value for the number of steps. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Does not require GPU. I tried using pytorch profiler and I am seeing thisStarcoder/Codegen: As you all expected, the coding models do quite well at code! Of the OSS models these perform the best. . Starcoder is free on the HF inference API, that lets me run full precision so I gave up on the quantized versions. OpenLM 1B, OpenLM 7B. The GPT4-x-Alpaca is a remarkable open-source AI LLM model that operates without censorship, surpassing GPT-4 in performance. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/. Big Code recently released its LLM, StarCoderBase, which was trained on 1 trillion tokens (“words”) in 80 languages from the dataset The Stack, a collection of source code in over 300 languages. This question is a little less about Hugging Face itself and likely more about installation and the installation steps you took (and potentially your program's access to the cache file where the models are automatically downloaded to. SageMaker Hugging Face Inference Toolkit ⚙️ . Algorithms. An interesting aspect of StarCoder is that it's multilingual and thus we evaluated it on MultiPL-E which extends HumanEval to many other languages. I just want to say that it was really fun building robot cars. The combinatorial set. Run the models locally and control what goes into the prompt. With other models I've tried (using samples I see online) I can usually just load the model, use the query string to retrieve relevant context (chunks of text from the vector DB) from my local embeddings store, then just ask the model as prompt: "CONTEXT:. Pretraining Tokens: During pretraining, StarCoder processed a staggering 236 billion tokens, allowing it to. . Regarding generic SQL schemas in Postgres, SQLCoder greatly beats all major open-source models. -> ctranslate2 in int8, cuda -> 315ms per inference. Teams. Project starcoder’s online platform provides video tutorials and recorded live class sessions which enable K-12 students to learn coding. Run docker container with following command:You would like codeium then. LocalAI - :robot: The free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. . The table below lists all the compatible models families and the associated binding repository. You signed in with another tab or window. The. -m, --model: The LLM model to use. Although not aimed at commercial speeds, it provides a versatile environment for AI enthusiasts to explore different LLMs privately. 19 of MySQL. 💫StarCoder in C++. Completion/Chat endpoint. 2), with opt-out requests excluded. 2 dataset. An agent is just an LLM, which can be an OpenAI model, a StarCoder model, or an OpenAssistant model. listdir (folder): filename = os. For a broad overview of the steps see the hugging face docs. StarCoder is part of the BigCode Project, a joint effort of ServiceNow and Hugging Face. And make sure you are logged into the Hugging Face hub with: 1. Example values are octocoder, octogeex, wizardcoder, instructcodet5p, starchat which use the prompting format that is put forth by the respective model creators. The open‑access, open‑science, open‑governance 15 billion parameter StarCoder LLM makes generative AI more transparent and accessible to enable responsible innovation. Since the model has 6. Step 3: Running GPT4All. BigCode a récemment lancé un nouveau modèle de langage de grande taille (LLM) appelé StarCoder, conçu pour aider les développeurs à écrire du code efficace plus rapidement. nn. You can try ggml implementation starcoder. Introducing llamacpp-for-kobold, run llama. Open LM: a minimal but performative language modeling (LM) repository. It allows you to run LLMs (and not only) locally or on-prem with consumer grade hardware, supporting multiple model families that are compatible with the ggml format. You’ll achieve the same scalability level as Kubernetes-based deployment but. In Atom editor, I can use atom link to do that. Navigating the Documentation. For more information on the StarCoder model, see Supported foundation models available with watsonx. 需要注意的是,这个模型不是一个指令. The StarCoder is a cutting-edge large language model designed specifically for code. So if we were to naively pass in all the data to ground the LLM in reality, we would likely run into this issue. Steven Hoi. join (folder, file) with ZipFile (filename + '. By default, llm-ls is installed by llm. When fine-tuned on a given schema, it also outperforms gpt-4. Next I load the dataset, tweaked the format, tokenized the data then train the model on the new dataset with the necessary transformer libraries in Python. sock is not group writeable or does not belong to the docker group, the above may not work as-is. I have 64 gigabytes of RAM on my laptop, and a bad GPU (4 GB VRAM). vsix file). ollama run example. I have 2 files: Exploratory_Data_Analysis. cpp. When optimized for a specific database schema, it performs better than gpt-4. The context for the answers is extracted from the local vector store using a similarity search to locate the right piece of context from the docs. It works with 86 programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, Kotlin, PHP, Ruby, TypeScript, and others. One major drawback with dialogue-prompting is that inference can be very costly: every turn of the conversation involves thousands of tokens. Turbopilot open source LLM code completion engine and Copilot alternative. You signed out in another tab or window. Repository: Twitter:. StarCoder 「StarCoder」と「StarCoderBase」は、80以上のプログラミング言語、Gitコミット、GitHub issue、Jupyter notebookなど、GitHubから許可されたデータで学習したコードのためのLLM (Code LLM) です。「StarCoderBase」は15Bパラメータモデルを1兆トークンで学習、「StarCoder」は「StarCoderBase」を35Bトーク. 2,424 Pulls Updated 3 weeks ago. You can find our Github repo here, and our model weights on Huggingface here. Hugging Face and ServiceNow released StarCoder, a free AI code-generating system alternative to GitHub’s Copilot (powered by OpenAI’s Codex), DeepMind’s AlphaCode, and Amazon’s CodeWhisperer. 2) and a Wikipedia dataset. OpenLLM contains state-of-the-art LLMs, such as StableLM, Dolly, ChatGLM, StarCoder and more, which are all supported by built-in. Loading. Hugging Face has introduced SafeCoder, an enterprise-focused code assistant that aims to improve software development efficiency through a secure, self. If you’re a beginner, we. You can click it to toggle inline completion on and off. This is a C++ example running 💫 StarCoder inference using the ggml library. Note: The above table conducts a comprehensive comparison of our WizardCoder with other models on the HumanEval and MBPP benchmarks. You can do this by running the following command: cd gpt4all/chat. , the extension sends a lot of autocompletion requests. StarCoder trained on a trillion tokens of licensed source code in more than 80 programming languages, pulled from BigCode’s The Stack v1. Hugging Face and ServiceNow jointly oversee BigCode, which has brought together over 600 members from a wide range of academic institutions and. Create the model in Ollama. prompt: This defines the prompt. Overview Tags. Disclaimer . Meta introduces SeamlessM4T, a foundational multimodal model that seamlessly translates and transcribes across speech and text for up to 100 languages. Ever since it has been released, it has gotten a lot of hype and a. At BentoML, our goal is to bridge the gap between training ML models and deploying them in production. Options are: openai, open-assistant, starcoder, falcon, azure-openai, or google-palm. Issue with running Starcoder Model on Mac M2 with Transformers library in CPU environment I'm attempting to run the Starcoder model on a Mac M2 with 32GB of memory using the Transformers library in a CPU environment. In the previous posts, we showed how to deploy a Vision Transformers (ViT) model from 🤗 Transformers locally and on a Kubernetes cluster. It features an integrated web server and support for many Large Language Models via the CTransformers library. The process is fairly simple after using a pure C/C++ port of the LLaMA inference (a little less than 1000 lines of code found here). 8% of ChatGPT’s performance on average, with almost 100% (or more than) capacity on 18 skills, and more than 90% capacity on 24 skills. License. -p, --prompt: The prompt for PandasAI to execute. A brand new open-source project called MLC LLM is lightweight enough to run locally on just about any device, even an iPhone or an old PC laptop with integrated graphics. GPT4ALL: Run ChatGPT Like Model Locally 😱 | 3 Easy Steps | 2023In this video, I have walked you through the process of installing and running GPT4ALL, larg. ) Apparently it's good - very good!Bigcode just released starcoder. The model uses Multi Query. Explore reviews and pricing of software that integrates with StarCoder. Type: Llm: Login. Deprecated warning during inference with starcoder fp16. py uses a local LLM to understand questions and create answers. We load the StarCoder model and the OpenAssistant model from the HuggingFace Hub, which requires HuggingFace Hub API. sock. Capability. StarCoder is a part of Hugging Face’s and ServiceNow’s over-600-person BigCode project, launched late last year, which aims to develop “state-of-the-art” AI systems for code in an “open. Project starcoder’s online platform provides video tutorials and recorded live class sessions which enable K-12 students to learn coding. sillysaurusx. Subscribe to the PRO plan to avoid getting rate limited in the free tier. The Oobabooga TextGen WebUI has been updated, making it even easier to run your favorite open-source AI LLM models on your local computer for absolutely free. As of today TGI supports the following parameters:The version in the bigcode-playground works perfectly, but when using the model locally I obtain really different results. Running through a FastAPI framework backend. #133 opened Aug 29, 2023 by code2graph. /gpt4all-lora-quantized-OSX-m1. 72 GiB already allocated; 143. I can see that the model is consuming all the 16GB of 1 GPU and then correctly gives the out of memory. txt. Token stream support. Blog Discord GitHub Models Sign in Download starcoder StarCoder is a code generation model trained on 80+ programming languages. WizardLM-30B performance on different skills. Email. Fine-tuning StarCoder for chat-based applications . The following tutorials and live class recording are available in starcoder. The full instructions on generating a ggml model from a Hugging Face model can be found in the StarCoder example directory here, but basically you run the convert-hf-to-ggml. py or notebook. Previously huggingface-vscode. -> transformers pipeline in float 16, cuda: ~1300ms per inference. Reload to refresh your session. Watch a quick video introducing the project here. Tried to allocate 288. Overview¶. StarCoder is just another example of an LLM that proves the transformative capacity of AI. ugh, so I tried it again on StarCoder, and it worked well. A language model can then be fine-tuned on that dataset to make it elicit strong and diverse question-answering skills. Search documentation. 5B parameter Language Model trained on English and 80+ programming languages. jupyter. Pretraining Steps: StarCoder underwent 600K pretraining steps to acquire its vast code generation capabilities. ai. 5 level model freely on their computers. The app leverages your GPU when possible. The BigCode project was initiated as an open-scientific initiative with the goal of responsibly developing LLMs for code. You can find our Github repo here, and our model. You can replace this local LLM with any other LLM from the HuggingFace. StarCoder is part of a larger collaboration known as the BigCode project. Learn more about Coder's. It is used in production at Infostellar, but has not been verified elsewhere and is currently still somewhat tailored to Infostellar's workflows. We believe. What’s New. The following models are optimized and can be served with TGI, which uses custom CUDA kernels for better inference. But if I understand what you want to do (load one model on one gpu, second model on second gpu, and pass some input through them) I think the proper way to do this, and one that works for me is: # imports import torch # define models m0 = torch. Table of Contents Model Summary; Use; Limitations; Training; License; Citation; Model Summary The StarCoderBase models are 15. Another landmark moment for local models and one that deserves the attention. CONNECT 🖥️ Website: Twitter: Discord: ️. Big Code recently released its LLM, StarCoderBase, which was trained on 1 trillion tokens (“words”) in 80 languages from the dataset The Stack, a collection of source code in over 300 languages. StarCoder is a part of the BigCode project. 240. Features Local, OpenAI On the same day, Hugging Face published a blog post about the project, which involves both StarCoder and StarCoderBase LLMs. Ollama supports importing GGUF models in the Modelfile: Create a file named Modelfile, with a FROM instruction with the local filepath to the model you want to import. Reload to refresh your session. Permissively licensed in Apache 2. llm-vscode is an extension for all things LLM. GPT4ALL: Run ChatGPT Like Model Locally 😱 | 3 Easy Steps | 2023In this video, I have walked you through the process of installing and running GPT4ALL, larg. py file: Model Summary. Furthermore, StarCoder outperforms every model that is fine-tuned on Python, can be prompted to achieve 40% pass@1 on HumanEval, and still retains its performance on other programming languages. StarCoder, the hottest new Open Source code-completion LLM, is based on GPT-2 architecture and trained on The Stack - which contains an insane amount of perm. Download the extension from the release (. Note: Any StarCoder variants can be deployed with OpenLLM. The following tutorials and live class. koboldcpp. . Running. Learn more. In fp16/bf16 on one GPU the model takes ~32GB, in 8bit the model requires ~22GB, so with 4 GPUs you can split this memory requirement by 4 and fit it in less than 10GB on each using the following code (make sure you have accelerate. Model compatibility table. model (str, optional, defaults to "text-davinci-003") — The name of the OpenAI model to use. Install HF Code Autocomplete VSCode plugin. . Back to the Text Generation tab and choose Instruction Mode. Completion/Chat endpoint. With OpenLLM, you can run inference on any open-source LLM, deploy them on the cloud or on-premises, and build powerful AI applications. cpp project and run it on browser. The binary is downloaded from the release page and stored in: vim. StarCoder is part of a larger collaboration known as the BigCode. cpp, and adds a versatile Kobold API endpoint, additional format support, backward compatibility, as well as a fancy UI with persistent stories, editing tools, save formats, memory, world info,. StarCoder 15B sucks. Optionally, you can put tokens between the files, or even get the full commit history (which is what the project did when they created StarCoder). Introducing llamacpp-for-kobold, run llama. Model compatibility table. Edit model card. Learn more. On a data science benchmark called DS-1000 it clearly beats it as well as all other open-access. 11 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. LocalAI is an API to run ggml compatible models: llama, gpt4all, rwkv, whisper, vicuna, koala, gpt4all-j, cerebras, falcon, dolly, starcoder, and. Quick tour. I don't want. HuggingfaceとServiceNowが開発したStarCoderを紹介していきます。このモデルは、80以上のプログラミング言語でトレーニングされて155億パラメータを持つ大規模言語モデルです。1兆トークンでトレーニングされております。コンテキストウィンドウが8192トークンです。 今回は、Google Colabでの実装方法. below all log ` J:GPTAIllamacpp>title starcoder J:GPTAIllamacpp>starcoder. StarCoder is a high-performance LLM for code with over 80 programming languages, trained on permissively licensed code from GitHub. No problems. Implementing an open source LLM that runs on your machine, that you can even access in offline mode! This uses Meta's OPT model, a 175-billion-parameter that. Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to take you on a journey through the fascinating world of building and training large language models (LLMs) for code. Collectives™ on Stack Overflow – Centralized & trusted content around the technologies you use the most. docker run --name panel-container -p 7860:7860 panel-image docker rm panel-container. -t, --token: Your HuggingFace or OpenAI API token. Hello there! Serge chat UI, with conversations on the left. I assume for starcoder, weights are bigger, hence maybe 1. And then came GitHub Copilot (powered by OpenAI Codex) and everything changed!. Step 1 is to instantiate an agent. How to use “starcoder” in “visual studio code”. With its comprehensive language coverage, it offers valuable support to developers working across different language ecosystems. We are not going to set an API token. StarCoder is a high-performance LLM for code with over 80 programming languages, trained on permissively licensed code from GitHub. for detailed information on the various config features, please refer DeeSpeed documentation. OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. I've not tried Textual Inversion on Mac, but DreamBooth LoRA finetuning takes about 10 minutes per 500 iterations (M2 Pro with 32GB). 5B-param model with NF4 4-bit quantization. You join forces with other people over the Internet (BitTorrent-style), each running a small part of. #134 opened Aug 30, 2023 by code2graph. StarCoder: may the source be with you! The BigCode community, an open-scientific collaboration working on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), introduces StarCoder and StarCoderBase: 15. Supercharger has the model build unit tests, and then uses the unit test to score the code it generated, debug/improve the code based off of the unit test quality score, and then run it. Source Code. StarCoder provides a highly capable coding model without having to send proprietary code to any third party. . Plugin Versions. Setting up a FauxPilot Server. Swift is not included in the list due to a “human error” in compiling the list. It also generates comments that explain what it is doing. • 6 mo. For santacoder: Task: "def hello" -> generate 30 tokens. 48 MB GGML_ASSERT: ggml. Repository: bigcode/Megatron-LM. It's important not to take these artisanal tests as gospel. We take several important steps towards a safe open-access model release, including an improved PII redaction pipeline and a. More information: #codegeneration #generativeai #gpt3You can run and serve 7B/13B/70B LLaMA-2s on vLLM with a single command! [2023/06] Serving vLLM On any Cloud with SkyPilot. to build a Docker image based on the files in this directory. StarCoder — which is licensed to allow for royalty-free use by anyone, including corporations — was trained in over 80 programming languages. While the model on your hard drive has a size of 13. SQLCoder has been fine-tuned on hand-crafted SQL queries in increasing orders of difficulty. See Python Bindings to use GPT4All. A second sample prompt demonstrates how to use StarCoder to transform code written in C++ to Python code. [!NOTE] When using the Inference API, you will probably encounter some limitations. 5B model clearly prefers python to JS and will. 👉 The team is committed to privacy and copyright compliance, and releases the models under a commercially viable license. 3. vs code extension to receive code completion from a "local" instance of starcoder. rameshn. This is a fully-working example to fine-tune StarCoder on a corpus of multi-turn dialogues and thus create a coding assistant that is chatty and helpful. StarCoderBase is trained on 1 trillion tokens sourced from The Stack (Kocetkov et al. PRs to this project and the corresponding GGML fork are very welcome. The team then further trained StarCoderBase for 34 billion tokens on the Python subset of the dataset. We will run a quick benchmark on 10000 train samples and 1000 eval samples as we are interested in DeepSpeed vs DDP. StarCoder in C++; The VSCode extension; A resource about using models of the hub locally (Refer to the model card) This can also be of interest For example, he demonstrated how StarCoder can be used as a coding assistant, providing direction on how to modify existing code or create new code. I used these flags in the webui. nvim_call_function ( "stdpath", { "data" }) . 5 and maybe gpt-4 for local coding assistance and IDE tooling! More info: CLARA, Calif. [Access the StarCoder Google Colab Notebook by Appy Pie AI Team] Please note that running the model may require substantial resources, such as a minimum A100 GPU with 19GB of RAM. KeyError: 'gpt_bigcode' when running StarCoder. Subscribe to the PRO plan to avoid getting rate limited in the free tier. Beginners. countofrequests: Set requests count per command (Default: 4. This post will show you how to deploy the same model on the Vertex AI platform. py","contentType":"file"},{"name":"merge_peft. Real Intelligence belongs to humans. With an impressive 15. The landscape for generative AI for code generation got a bit more crowded today with the launch of the new StarCoder large language model (LLM). LLMs continue to change the way certain processes in the field of engineering and science are performed. 2) and a Wikipedia dataset. Step 1: concatenate your code into a single file. r/LocalLLaMA. We adhere to the approach outlined in previous studies by generating 20 samples for each problem to estimate the pass@1 score and evaluate with the same code .